Monday, August 15, 2011

Is Warren Buffet Robin Hood?

There have been many times in the history of our country that there has been a wide gap between the wealthy and not so wealthy. In 1900, for example, only 10% of Americans owned 3/4ths of the wealth (money, property, businesses, etc.). It is unrealistic to believe that a classes society could be created, however, there are great concerns for a society where the few just keep getting richer and the rest are not moving (or in many cases, going backwards).

Read the opinion piece written by Warren Buffet. He is an American financial businessman who is ranked the 3rd richest man in the world.

Comment on something he said. Include a quote and your reaction and why you feel the way you do. Then reply to at least one comment that a classmate has written.

Stop Coddling the Super-Rich

by Warren Buffet
New York Times

Image Source: Kelly Blair, New York Times